2024 Rikyū Memorial

News & Announcements

―In Memory of Rikyū’s Legacy―

On March 28, 2024 (Thursday), the Rikyū Memorial, one of the three major annual memorial observances of the Urasenke head family, was held. About 350 Urasenke followers from within and outside Japan attended it.

Family heirloom portrait of Rikyū
(Painting by Hasegawa Tohaku, inscription by Ken’ei Oshō Shun’oku)

In the Chōfu-no-ma within the Heisei Chashitsu, at 9:00 A.M. Daisōshō SEN Genshitsu presented an opening message, and with that, the tea-offering ceremony, or ochatō-no-gi, got underway. For it, Iemoto SEN Soshitsu first performed the charcoal-laying as the attendees watched, and then solemnly prepared the tea offering. As Daisōshō intoned the Buddhist “Four Great Vows” (Shiguseigan), Wakasōshō SEN Sōshi set the tea before the Rikyū portrait, and everyone quietly put their palms together in prayer.

Next, Iemoto prepared individual bowls of koicha (thick tea) for the five representative guests, and Wakasosho conveyed it to them. They were SHIMOMURA Hirofumi (Tankōkai Assistant Councilor, Osaka West Chapter Vice President), UEMATSU Sōkei (Tankokai Tokyo Chapter V East Supervisor), HONMA Sōju (Tankōkai Kyoto South Chapter Counselor), TADA Sōshun (Tankōkai Assistant Councilor, Chikuhō Chapter Counselor), and SHIMADA Sōkō (Tankōkai Shiga Chapter Past Vice Chief of Administration).

Following that, the Meiyo Shihan (Distinguished Master) title presentation ceremony took place, and that high title was presented to 18 individuals who have contributed significantly to the Urasenke chadō tradition over many long years.

Preceding the ochatō-no-gi tea-offering ceremony, members of the Konnichian corps of deputy tea masters conducted Hanayose-no-shiki.

Following the Meiyo Shihan title presentations, groups of Urasenke chadō practitioners who study directly under the Iemoto conducted other Shichijishiki group chanoyu exercises as offerings.  

Kinin-kiyotsugu Kagetsu-no-shiki
Sumi-tsuki Kagetsu-no-shiki
Nagekomi Kagetsu-no-shiki
(Nichiyō keiko & Sumirekai)

                          Note: During these Shichijishiki group exercises, the method now is to not reuse the tea bowls but to employ a fresh one for each bowl of tea.

In the Kangetsu-no-ma within the Heisei Chashitsu, the ensemble of implements used for the Rikyū Memorial main service were on display.

Auxiliary venues were arranged in the Chadō Kaikan and Urasenke Gakuen building, where the memorial attendees were served confections and usucha (thin tea). At the one in the Chadō Kaikan, Iemoto’s wife Madam SEN Masako, with Madam IZUMI Hiromi and other ladies of the head family, provided the hospitality. 

Auxiliary venue (Chadō Kaikan)
Auxiliary venue (Urasenke Gakuen)