57th Winter Intensive Seminar
Application Information for Classes in English

No longer accepting applications
DATES:Orientation and visit to Sen Family Temple: February 24 (Sunday), 2013, from 1:00 P.M.
Seminar: from February 25 (Monday), 2013 -- Opening Ceremony, from 9:00 A.M.;
to February 28 (Thursday), 2013 -- Closing Ceremony, from 3:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.*
* Atttendance is required from the Orientation to the end of the seminar closing ceremony.
URASENKE ACCREDITATION REQUIREMENT: 2nd-degree instructor (sennin koshi; i.e., chamei) or above.
QUALIFICATION FOR CLASSES IN ENGLISH: Inability to comprehend Japanese; good English capability.
FEE:JPY 70,000 (includes lunch).*
* Payment is required in JPY cash at the time of the Orientation. All other expenses
(meals, lodging, transportation, etc.) are the independent responsibility of each participant.
PLACE:Urasenke Headquarters, Kyoto. Classes will be held in the historical Urasenke Konnichian
compound, the Chado Kaikan, and the Urasenke Gakuen school building.
SEMINAR CONTENT: Guidance from Daisosho, Oiemoto, and Gyotei teachers on the spiritual, scholarly,

and practical aspects of chado. Basic temae through Gyo-no-gyo daisu. Zen lecture and seated meditation.
NUMBER OF ENGLISH CLASS PARTICIPANTS: Minimum, 5; maximum, 10 (among 60 seminar participants

COMPLETION AWARD: Certificate of Urasenke headquarter winter intensive seminar completion and, for

those who request, certificate of qualification as a Gakko Chado (school chado program in Japan) teacher.

1. Clothing: Kimono must be worn throughout the seminar time. Men must wear hakama. (Those who have juttoku should bring it 'just in case.')

2. Health: Participants should do their utmost to insure they will be able to complete the seminar without physical problem.

3. Seiza: Fundamentally, classes are all held sitting seiza; participants should be capable of sitting seiza for long periods of time.

4. Lunch: Every day it is a fancy box-style lunch catered from one or another Japanese restaurant. Special exceptions cannot be accommodated.

1. Participants should bring their own general-purpose writing equipment.

2. A recent standard I.D. photo (passport photo) must be submitted as quickly as possible after receipt of application approval notification.

3. Upon request, the International Affairs Department will provide assistance in recommending hotels.
HOW TO APPLY: 1. Fill out the Official Application Form. 2. Attach a Letter of Recommendation from the

Tankokai Association or Urasenke Branch where you are a registered member. 3. Submit these by regular mail or facsimile or email attachment to the address below.
WHERE TO MAKE INQUIRES/SEND APPLICATION: International Affairs Department, Urasenke Tankokai

Headquarters, Horikawa Teranouchi agaru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-8688, Japan.
tel: +81 75-451-5166 fax: +81 75-451-3926 email:
APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 14 (Friday), 2012. Applicants will be informed of approval/

non-approval as soon as possible once the application documents have been reviewed.

Seminar Host: Urasenke Konnichian
