Chief Minister Dilma ROUSSEFF of the Presidental Staff Office of Brazil
Visits Konnichian

Dilma ROUSSEFF, Chief Minister of the Presidential Staff Office of Brazil, made a five-day visit to Japan April 22-26, 2008, as a guest of the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, and represented Brazil at the Commemorative Ceremony and Reception for the Japan-Brazil Year of Exchange/100th Anniversary of Japanese Emigration to Brazil that took place in Tokyo on April 24. The afternoon of April 25, she visited Konnichian, Kyoto, where Iemoto Zabosai SEN Soshitsu XVI served her a bowl of tea in the Totsutotsusai. For this special get-together, the flowers decorating the Totsutotsusai alcove were in a suspended boat-shaped bamboo flower container, symbolizing the voyage of the Japanese emigrants, and "Felicitations" was the overall theme for Zabosai's choice of the various implements he used.
